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JAMCO Online International Symposium

32nd JAMCO Online International Symposium

February 2020 - March 2020

Messages for an Increasingly Divided World

Readers’ Feedback

Teruyoshi Sasaki
Professor, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Dokkyo University

Reading this paper has reinforced my appreciation of the excellence of kamishibai as a medium. In particular, the experience of kamishibai from the dual standpoints of viewing and performing provided an exceptionally useful approach for deepening understanding of the educational content. I think the author, Professor Iwasa, has utilized the features of kamishibai well to give her students a fuller understanding of peace issues through the skillful combination of such educational elements as viewing kamishibai as an audience, researching the content, performing related field work, rehearsing kamishibai on the basis of what has been learned, performing the play, and reviewing the results, all as a linked learning process. I sensed how the road to peacebuilding, one of greatest themes for the human race, can begin within the small wooden frame of a kamishibai, and my understanding of kamishibai’s value as an educational medium has grown.

Teruyoshi Sasaki

Professor, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Dokkyo University

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