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JAMCO Online International Symposium

32nd JAMCO Online International Symposium

February 2020 - March 2020

Messages for an Increasingly Divided World

Greetings (Opening)

Takashi Koezuka
President, Japan Media Communication Center

The Japan Media Communication Center (JAMCO) supplies outstanding broadcast programs for use in international exchange, the promotion of mutual understanding between Japan and other countries, and contributions to social development and the advance of broadcasting around the world. As one of our key activities, we have hosted a conference on the media and international cooperation almost every year since our founding in 1991.

For the current fiscal year, the theme of the 32nd JAMCO International Symposium is Messages for an Increasingly Divided World. Academics, other experts and people directly engaged in international cooperation, education, business etc. will report and discuss their findings online.

One of JAMCO’s core roles is to select Japanese programs suitable for broadcast in developing regions of the world and produce international versions of them translated into English, Spanish, French and other languages. The resulting program library extends across a wide range of genres from schools’ programs and documentaries to drama.

More than 14,500 programs have already been distributed under this system to 101 countries of Asia, the Pacific, Central and South America, Africa, Europe and other regions, and the numbers continue to grow. Some are retranslated for broadcast in the local language of the country, while others are used at universities and other educational institutions.

The world in 2024 is beset with many crises. The conflict between the Israeli army and Islamic group, Hamas, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, now in its third year, and the food and energy crises and inflation that threaten people’s ways of life have all brought great unease. Solutions to such crises depend on close cooperation between, and initiatives from, advanced and developing countries alike.

This year’s symposium will hear reports and discussions on such themes as the international cooperation work that continues all through these crises, cross-cultural understanding in schools, support for refugees, and development assistance. I trust all will provide many people with valuable insights. The findings will also be used in the further development of JAMCO’s own activities. I depend for this, as ever, on everyone’s kind support.

Takashi Koezuka

President, Japan Media Communication Center


  • 1972 Graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo
        Joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • 1975 Completed doctorate at the Department of Government, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University
  • 1981- Private Secretary to the Foreign Minister, afterwards serving at the Economic Affairs Bureau, Embassy of Japan in the Philippines, and Permanent Delegation of Japan to the OECD
  • 1988- Director, Multilateral Cooperation Division, Economic Cooperation Bureau
  • 1990- Director, Southwest Asia Division, Asian Affairs Bureau, afterwards serving at the Embassy of Japan in the People’s Republic of China, Permanent Mission of Japan to the International Organizations in Geneva, and Embassy of Japan in Canada
  • 1999- Deputy Secretary General, Fair Trade Commission in Japan (International Affairs)
  • 2001- Consul General of Japan in Toronto
  • 2004- Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Honduras
  • 2007- Vice-Grand Master of the Ceremonies, Imperial Household Agency
  • 2010- Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the Kingdom of the Netherlands
  • 2012 Retired from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • 2013- Director of State Guest House (Cabinet Office)
  • 2015 Retired from the Cabinet Office
  • 2022- Appointed President, Japan Media Communication Center

2018 Japanese translation of P.J.A.N. Rietbergen, A Short History of the Netherlands-From Prehistory to the Present Day (Kamakura Shunjusha)

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