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Production Year 1997

SERIES Hello Friends | Hello Friends


あつまれじゃんけんぽん [NHK]

|Length : 15min. x20 |Year : 1997

Learning tolerance through daily experience

Twin aliens start a new life in Cheerful Village after becoming separated from their spaceship and landing on Earth. Over the years, the twins overcome language difficulties and bridge cultures which are a universe apart, making friends with children in the village. Designed for children up to second grade, the goal of this puppet show is to instill in children a cherishing and caring nature, and a concern for others.

1. They Came from Outer Space
2. The New Teacher
3. The Search for the Sparkling Plant
4. Can Dad be Mum ?
5. I Have a Dream Too
6. I Hate My Sister
7. Who's Scared Now ?
8. Andy's Being Bad
9. Don't Be Picky
10. Parents Don't Understand Us
11. Being Mayor Isn't Easy
12. Do Your Best, It's Sports Day
13. Birds Fly South
14. Contact with Outer Space
15. I Don't Want to Say Goodbye
16. The Sparkling Plant Crisis
17. Voluntary Work
18. Andy vs. Nicci.
19. A Farewell Picnic
20. Rainbow Coloured Peppers

SERIES Make and Play | Make and Play


つくってあそぼ [NHK]

|Length : 15min. x20 |Year : 1997

Daily items reborn as toys

Nigel and his friend Graham, a 5-year-old bear, have great fun playing with toys which they have made from materials that are commonly found around the house, such as magnets, paper plates, drink cans and tape. In each of the 10 shows, Nigel uses his imagination to create a new, colorful plaything that other 4 and 5 years olds can make just as easily at home or at school. These programs are fun to watch and sure to inspire creative activities among pre-schoolers.

1. Stage Magic with a Magnet
2. Pull the String
3. Magical Artwork
4. What Does It Look Like ?
5. Budang Tape
6. Rolling Ball
7. Making Juice
8. Paper Plate
9. Flower Shop
10. The Tower of Drinks Cans
11. Paper Rings
12. Thrilling Sport
13. Claphands Kid
14. Merrily Camping
15. Paper Tubes
16. Let's Disguise
17. Sweet Pets
18. Catapult
19. Welcome to New Home
20. Pop Theater

Learning How to Teach


教師誕生 新採用教員の一年 [NHK]

|Length : 59min. |Year : 1997

Amateur teachers are molded into professionals

Every April, 17,000 new public school teachers are sent out into the school system. Most are new university graduates and have little experience in how to communicate with and hold the attention of young people. Others have worked as part-time substitute teachers for ill or pregnant teachers before realizing their dream of becoming a full-time educator. This documentary follows the day-to-day activities of four new teachers in Aomori Prefecture in northern Japan as they attempt to instruct elementary and junior high school children.

Dad Wants to Get Well Again


とうさんのこいのぼり [ABS]

|Length : 45min. |Year : 1997

Can love overcome a degenerative disease?

Shortly after being stricken with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a degenerative disease affecting the spinal cord, Kosuga Toshikatsu is only able to move his eyelids. Refusing to let this illness keep him from communicating with the world, he enters the Akita City "Encounter Concert" where poems written by physical handicapped people are presented. Using his eyelids to tap out Morse Code, Kosuga composed the poem "Koinobori," which was entered in the concert. With the support of his wife and children, and the national ALS association, Kosuga attempts to come to terms with his illness.

SERIES Los expertos desconocidos de Japón | Mizuhiki – El arte de los cordones decorativos –


ワザあり!にっぽん | 祝いを結ぶ 水引細工・津田剛八郎 千枝 [CTV]

|Length : 27min. |Year : 1997

El arte de los cordones decorativos. En Japón existe la costumbre de dar dinero u obsequios envueltos en papel hecho a mano, atado con cordones decorativos. Estos cordones se llaman mizuhiki. A pesar de que en la actualidad ya se producen a máquina, todavía hay artesanos que los siguen fabricando a mano. Aquí vemos a la familia Tsuda crear primorosos mizuhiki vistosos, delicados y llenos de gracia.

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