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Production Year 1995

Home is a Sumo Ring


わが家は土俵の上 田中英寿・優子 [NHK]

|Length : 29min. |Year : 1995

Hidetoshi Tanaka is a big man in a lot of ways - but, of course, there is a woman behind every great man. That woman is Tanaka's wife Yuko, who supports him in his efforts to develop sumo as a college sport. As supervisor of Nihon University's sumo club, Tanaka has helped train many top wrestlers including Tomonohana and Daishoho. He and his wife work together to nurture their club which has some 40 boarding students. Theirs is a fascinating, if different kind of dream!

Fishing for Dreams – Young Men of Kiribati –


サオ一本で夢を釣れ 南洋・キリバスの若者たち [NHK]

|Length : 44min. |Year : 1995

Suffering from a chronic shortage of fishermen at home, the Japanese fishing is going international; more than 20 percent of the crews responsible for Japan's bonito catch are fisherrnen from Kiribati in the Pacific. Young Kiribati crewmen like 18 year old Aoshi study their craft at the Ocean Training Center in Kiribati under a 67-year-old Japanese fisherman. The program focuses on the efforts of Aoshi and other young trainees - and the bond that develops between them and their teacher so far away from home.

Three Gorges Dam Project – A Journey Toward 21st Century China –


三峡ダム大移住計画 113万人の故郷が沈む 中国21世紀への旅 [NAV]

|Length : 56min. |Year : 1995

China is building the world's largest hydroelectric dam in the densely populated and historically significant "Three Gorges" region. Problems abound. More than 30,000 hectares of farmland and 13 towns and 140 villages will be submerged and the lives of more than one million people will change irrevocably. Besides being one of the most challenging engineering projects ever, this undertaking will require one of the biggest resettlement efforts in recent history.

Along the Way – A Year of a Monk –


道ゆきて ある僧侶の一年 [KTN]

|Length : 48min. |Year : 1995

This documentary offers an interesting view of the spiritual side of Japan. It tells the story of Shinsuke Kaneko, a Zen monk and co-founder of Zenshin-ji temple. Drawing on what he has learned from his own battle with cancer, Kaneko gives regular lectures on Life and Death. We also see him tending his dying mother. Along with the Catholic Hospital in Nagasaki, Kaneko believes that it is not enough to just tend to the health of the body: the health of the soul is just as important.

Lucha de ideas – Concurso internacional de robots –


アイデア対決 ロボットコンテスト国際大会 [NHK]

|Length : 45min. |Year : 1995

En el verano de 1993 le correspondió al Instituto Tecnológico de Tokio la oportunidad de celebrar el Concurso Internacional de Robots. Desde 1990 este concurso se ha venido realizando cada año en algunas de las mejores universidades e institutos del mundo, incluido MIT. Esta vez participaron ocho equipos, cada uno con seis miembros, que crearon Robots con avanzada capacidad de maniobra. El objetivo de la prueba de este deporte de alta tecnología, consistía en meter tubos en una caja con dos aberturas justo del tamaño del más grande de los tubos.

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