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Japan’s Unsung Masters - Live!

ニッポン知らなかった選手権 [NHK]

We film unusual technical competitions held internally by industries and associations to help workers improve their skills! Follow along with our commentators and watch some incredible workmanship.

SERIES The All-Japan Traditional Bridalwear Contest Tokyo Division


第41回 全日本打掛花嫁着付コンテスト [NHK]

|Length : 28.45min |Year : 2023

We film unusual technical competitions held internally by industries and associations to help workers improve their skills! Follow along with our commentators and watch some incredible workmanship.

Bridal beauticians show their mastery of traditional Japanese wedding attire, including wigs and white kimono, at this annual competition. They must swiftly and precisely complete almost 400 steps to create the traditional bridal look. Contestants must dress and put make-up on their models—but personal conversation is strictly prohibited. What are the secret techniques for tying an obi belt or layering garments properly? Join us for this stunning display of skill!

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