- Discover Asia
アジア発見 [NHK]
The Ins and Outs of an Up and Coming Land Economic "dragons" and newly liberalized economies. Age-old traditions and cutting-edge modernity. Contrasts abound in the Asia of today, a land assuming increasing importance on the world stage. Discover where Asia is today, and where it's going.
Growing Food in a Dry Land – Ulan Bator, Mongolia –
アジア発見 | 乾いた大地に糧を求めて モンゴル・ウランバートル [NHK]
|Length : 24min. |Year : 2000 |
Mongolia suffers from serious food shortages. At a school on the outskirts of the country's capital, Ulan Bator, a farm was established in spring, 1999. Teachers, students and parents transformed a one-hectare former garbage dump into the school farm. The crops harvested on the farm are given to poor families and sold at the market. The profit from these sales is used to buy teaching materials for the school. This program demonstrates how the Mongolian people are responding to a new form of food aid.
The Heavenly Taste of Street Stalls – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia –
アジア発見 | 屋台料理は夢の味 マレーシア・クアラルンプール [NHK]
|Length : 24min. |Year : 1996 |
Facing heavy competition and forced to adapt to modern management styles, street stall operators still dream of sweet success. Meet several of these determined entrepreneurs and learn the creative ways they find to survive and thrive.