Make and Play
つくってあそぼ [NHK]
|Length : 15min. x20 |Year : 1997 |
Daily items reborn as toys
Nigel and his friend Graham, a 5-year-old bear, have great fun playing with toys which they have made from materials that are commonly found around the house, such as magnets, paper plates, drink cans and tape. In each of the 10 shows, Nigel uses his imagination to create a new, colorful plaything that other 4 and 5 years olds can make just as easily at home or at school. These programs are fun to watch and sure to inspire creative activities among pre-schoolers.
1. Stage Magic with a Magnet
2. Pull the String
3. Magical Artwork
4. What Does It Look Like ?
5. Budang Tape
6. Rolling Ball
7. Making Juice
8. Paper Plate
9. Flower Shop
10. The Tower of Drinks Cans
11. Paper Rings
12. Thrilling Sport
13. Claphands Kid
14. Merrily Camping
15. Paper Tubes
16. Let's Disguise
17. Sweet Pets
18. Catapult
19. Welcome to New Home
20. Pop Theater