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Japan Media Communication Center (JAMCO) is a non-profit organization established in April 1991 for the purposes of promoting international mutual understanding and contributing to the development of broadcast in the world. It was originally created with funds from Nippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK; Japan Broadcasting Corporation) and Commercial TV companies members of the Japan Commercial Broadcasters Association (JBA).

Its main activity is to expand and maintain the library of video programs that can be provided free of charge to TV stations in developing countries, for broadcasting purposes. JAMCO has stored 1,372 superb Japanese TV programs, including documentary, educational programs, programs for children, drama for the past quarter of a century.

These programs originally made by NHK and Japanese commercial TV broadcasters have been reproduced in English, Spanish, French, Chinese, and Arabic by dubbing for availability in developing countries. A total of 14,955 programs have so far been provided to 101 countries in Asia, Latin America, Africa, East Europe, and the Middle East since the inauguration of JAMCO.

Interested TV stations and other organization in developing countries are kindly requested to contact JAMCO(Unfortunately,for copyright reason these programs are not offered for personal use).

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